What can we do for you
(aka what do we have extensive
bookkeeping and accounting
and other experience in):
We can provide you with the entire bookkeeping, accounting, finance and other support functions and services so that you can concentrate on running your business and maximising your profits.
Carry out ALL bookkeeping activities
All bank entries (including trust accounts, electronic payment platforms like PayPal, credit card, etc)
Bank reconciliations
All vendor/creditor/accounts payable entries
Create purchase orders
All customer/accounts receivable entries
Create customer invoices
Create customer quotes
Reconcile all accounts
Capture payroll transactions in the general ledger
Processing import transactions correctly in the accounts
Inventory accounting
Ensure the correct treatment of GST, eg, standard GST, GST free, GST input taxed, import GST, etc
Maximisation of cash flows
Timely creation of sales invoices to customers
Management of your debtor book
Follow up with slow payers
Negotiation with slow payers to agree payment plans
Timely capturing of supplier invoices
Ensuring that agreed supplier payment terms are used to maximum benefit
Ensuring that suppliers are only paid when their due dates arise
Carry out ALL payroll activities
Run all payrolls, ie, standard, timesheet, additional, update, bonus, etc.
Manage the timesheet process to ensure completed and authorise in time for the payroll
Set up pay codes
Set up legislated employee deductions, for example, child welfare payments
Raise new employees in the payroll system
Terminate and remove ex employees
Ensure that employees are paid in line with industry awards and other relevant legislation
Set up and lodge STP reporting
Set up and lodge super reporting
Payment of payroll and super via EFT
Manage employee leave entitlements (including long service leave)
Workers compensation policy management, in other words, policy establishment, renewals, payments, etc
Management of, accounting for and reporting on employee bonus and share schemes
Carry out ALL accounting activities
Preparation of financial statements for all types of operating entities (including SMSF financial statements)
Audit of the general ledger
Management reporting both internal and external (for example, monthly results for management, bank loan compliance reporting, profit share reporting, bordereaux reporting for insurance, performance management to external stakeholders, etc.)
Budgeting and forecasting, including reporting, analysing and commenting on actual performance against the budgets and forecasts.
Set up complex accounting entries, eg, loan finance for assets, tax entries, fixed assets and depreciation of same,
Carry out profit share calculations and accounting for them
Manage dividend payments to shareholders
Ensure that all accounting and reporting is carried out per legal agreements entered into between shareholders and company operators (for example, per trust deeds)
Carry out ALL tax activities
Tax return preparation ready for tax agent lodgement
IAS and BAS statements
PAYG compliance (taxes for payroll, company installment taxes, etc)
Payroll tax compliance
FBT compliance
Super compliance
TPAR reporting
Efficient tax planning
Management and reporting of the ICA account
Assist in discussions with the ATO when dealing with tax matters, debt payment, etc
Secretarial activities and setting up your business
Establish the operating entity including all related initial secretarial activities, eg, company, trusts (incl SMSF), sole trader, partnership, etc.If you can think of an operating structure, we can set it up for you.
Set up the accounting package and general ledger for the operating entity.
Assist with the set up all bank accounts (including credit cards, loan accounts, etc).
Establish the live data feeds for all bank accounts into the general ledger package.
Set up all tax requirements, eg, tax file number, ABN, GST, PAYG, Payroll Tax, Workers Compensation, Fringe Benefits Tax, etc
Completion and lodgement of all ASIC and other government documentation regularly required
Preparation of resolutions and minutes of director/shareholder meetings
Auditing of compliance with contracts that impact financial operations
Business guidance, advise and management (aka Business Advisory and Business Services)
Cash flow and funding advice
Budgeting and forecasting
Efficient tax planning
Compliance with legislation (eg company, tax, etc)
Advise on best operating structure to use
Advise on best accounting software to use
System improvements, for example, ordering processes, document retention, debt collection, payment processes, etc
Project management
Production management
Negotiations with third parties
Potential new business relationships
Tax authorities
Other back office services
Calendar management
Personal assistant services
Telephone call management
Office management
Client training and development in bookkeeping activities